Monday, November 1, 2010

Sexual Assault letter

Dear whom this may concern,
1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men will get sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Women who are in collage are four times more likely to get sexually assaulted. If you were ever sexually assaulted in your lifetime you may develop a eating disorder. I think the book speak should be allowed in school because it really does teach you a lot about rape and sexual assault. 
I am a 15 year old kid and i had to read the book “Speak” it really did teach me a lot of stuff about rape and all of the side affects. In the year 2007 there was 248,300 victims of sexual assault. In this book “Speak” The rape victim Melinda she could not tell anyone about her rape not even her own parents just because she felt so uncomfortable with the whole thing. As the I got further in the book there was a couple times where Melinda just felt do disgusted she just needed to tell someone. She ended up telling one of her old friends as she said the name “Andy Evens” the girl didn’t believe her. I don’t really think that the rape scene contained soft pornography. Every two minutes all over the world someone is raped. More than 60% of rape cases are not reported to the police. 
Sincerely, A freshman in high school

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